This Week With Huzoor
3 Nov 23
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over the first virtual Mulaqat with the Jama'at members in Kosovo.
In the Friday Sermon Huzoor announced the 90th year of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
0:00 - Intro
0:56 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Jama'at in Kosovo.
1:25 - Video presentation of the Mission House in Kosovo.
2:23 - Why do we need to read the Holy Qur'an?
3:47 - How can we remove the habit of offering our prayers quickly?
6:07 - How do we respond to the allegation that we accept the Jama'at for financial gains?
8:52 - How does Huzoor view the future condition of humanity?
12:57 - How can we draw the attention of our children towards prayers?
15:09 - What is Huzoor's advice to Ahmadi members of Kosovo in regards to migration?
16:20 - Can we hug Allah the Almighty?
17:49 - How can we achieve success in business?
20:10 - How can we reprimand a child if they make a mistake?
21:39 - Concluding remarks of the Mulaqat and Huzoor's advice to Jama'at members in Kosovo.
23:16 - Friday Sermon Clip 3 November 2023 - 90th year of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
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